Category Archives: Health News

Low carb diet strange head tingles

After several days without food, their appetites subsided head all patients felt an increased sense of well-being which. Carb “keto flu” is partly a result of hypoglycemia, which can tingles helped head allowing your body some strange to adjust to eating a ketogenic diet, and maintaining proper tingles levels. Kasia Have constipation and diet. Aileen… Read More »

Diets for managing blood sugar

If you have diabetes, a healthy eating plan for you is not that different from a healthy eating plan for people without diabetes. The American Diabetes Association ADA echoes the dietary guidelines recommended for the general public — that is, a diet centered on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes peas and beans, and low-fat dairy… Read More »

Ketogenic diet whole grains

Variations of the low carbohydrate diet have dipped in and out of popularity over the years. But what is the ketogenic diet, and is it worth buying into the hype? Read on for a summary of the evidence. So this means eating very few carbohydrate-rich foods, such as grains, legumes, fruit, dairy foods and starchy… Read More »

Can you take biotin while on hcg diet

Appointment New Patient Appointment. Call Us: Appointment New Patient Appointment or Call Your Pregnancy Matters. Appointment New Patient Appointment or Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is found in many beauty supplements that are marketed as hair, skin, and nail enhancers. But biotin — also known as vitamin B7 — can cause serious errors in… Read More »