Category Archives: Health News

The Truth About Detoxification — Supporting Your Body’s Natural Processes

In recent years, the concept of “detoxing” has gained immense popularity, with countless products, diets, and programs promising to cleanse your body of harmful toxins. However, the reality of detoxification is far more complex and nuanced than many of these quick-fix solutions would have you believe. In this comprehensive guide, let’s explore the truth about… Read More »

Stop Illegal Organic Imports

U.S. organic farmers are being driven out of business by low-priced organic imports of hazelnuts, turmeric and other products, which may not be grown to the organic standards you’d expect. The Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) of 1990 is a U.S. federal law that was enacted to establish national standards for the production and handling… Read More »

Autopsies Link 73.9% of Post-Jab Deaths to the Shot

A bombshell study that The Lancet1 pulled within 24 hours is finally seeing the light of day. Now published in the peer-reviewed Forensic Science International journal, the systematic review of autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 shots revealed 73.9% “were directly due to or significantly contributed to” by the injections.2 Canadian oncologist and cancer researcher… Read More »

Does Your Dental Floss Contain Toxic Nonstick Coating?

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published July 12, 2017. Flossing your teeth is one of the basic tenets of maintaining healthy gums and reducing your potential for periodontal disease. And, your dental health is foundational to your overall health. Your oral health is a frequently underappreciated and misunderstood aspect of… Read More »