Category Archives: Health News

What is rice bran in poultry diets

Rocha CA. Qi, : Effects of poultry culture in broiler diets on performance and immunomodulatory functions. Mirzadeh, : What of diets levels of date pits on performance, carcass characteristics and whzt what of broiler chickens. No significant interactions were observed between the tested factors on the apparent digestibility bran dry matter and ether extract ie… Read More »

Can paleo diet eat potatoes

I have noticed in the last few years that many Paleo Dieters believe that potatoes can be regularly consumed without any adverse health effects. Part of this misinformation seems to stem from writers of blogs and others who are unfamiliar with the scientific literature regarding potatoes. So should we be eating potatoes or not? The… Read More »

Topamax and keto diet

Topiramate has an average rating of 7. Compare all 38 medications used in the treatment of Obesity. There can’t be legally. It is the same active ingredient and the same strength. It’s just the name and cost and inactive ingredinets. This being said I don’t understand where negative remarks come from. This medicine is amazing.… Read More »

High fat diet and insulin resistance

Thank you for visiting nature. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. Dietary guidelines for the past 20 years have recommended that dietary fat should be minimized. In contrast, recent studies have suggested that there could be some potential… Read More »