Your Horoscope for the Week of May 9

By | May 9, 2021

Overview: What does “value” mean to you? Tuesday’s New Moon in Taurus helps us explore who, what, and even how much we value from a place of worthiness and security. Jupiter enters Pisces on Thursday and stays there until July 28, bringing more soul, empathy, and creativity to our spring/summer. This weekend’s Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer helps us see the connections between our emotions and desires.

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Here’s what that means for you:


Ground down, Aries! Tuesday’s New Moon in Taurus wants your intentions on stability, security, and pleasure. Jupiter enters Pisces on Thursday, giving you months of deep healing, completion, and emotional release. Let go of all that doesn’t serve you. This weekend’s Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer reunites you with people and places that feel like home!


Happy Birthday, Taurus! Tell the universe all your birthday wishes on Tuesday for your annual New Moon. When Jupiter enters Pisces on Thursday, your relationship with friends, your collaborative skills, and social/political causes take a successful shape. Use your words in service to emotional communication under this weekend’s Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer!


Let’s get radically responsible, Gemini! Tuesday’s New Moon in Taurus puts your habits and choices under a microscope so you can change what needs to be changed. Jupiter entering your Pisces-ruled career zone on Thursday gives you creative breakthroughs and success. A sensual Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer this weekend wants you to experience embodiment!


Nervous about “re-entry,” Cancer? Tuesday’s New Moon in Taurus wants your intentions on trust and security with friends and your new social landscape. Jupiter enters your Pisces-ruled wisdom zone on Thursday, giving you many “Ah-ha!” moments for personal growth. Focus on your desires this weekend; let your emotions guide you to naming and pursuing what you want!


Level up, Leo! A New Moon in Taurus on Tuesday wants to hear your professional intentions and values. Jupiter enters your Pisces-ruled intimacy zone on Thursday, turning up the heat index for you sexually. You can only heal from what you consciously feel this weekend under a tender but powerful Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer.


If you know better, do better, Virgo! The New Moon in Taurus which wants your intentions on wisdom, curiosity, and learning. Jupiter enters your Pisces-ruled romance zone on Thursday, putting opposites-attract chemistry in the air! A Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer this weekend wants your inventory on friends who keep your heart safe.


When is it safe to self-disclose, Libra? Tuesday’s New Moon in Taurus wants your willingness and intentions for security, intimacy, and trust. Jupiter enters your Pisces-ruled routine/habits sector on Thursday, optimizing your choices for wellbeing. A Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer this weekend gives you even more ambition and responsibility.


What do you want *in love*, Scorpio? A New Moon in Taurus on Tuesday wants your intentions for love. Focus on generative desire, not just what you don’t want. Jupiter enters your Pisces-ruled confidence sector on Thursday, giving you extra worthiness. A Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer this weekend wants you to do better from a place of knowing better.

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Which habits support success, Sag? A New Moon in Taurus on Thursday wants your intentions for routine and behavior. Jupiter enters your Pisces-ruled home/family sector on Thursday, giving you even more emotional safety. A Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer this weekend is a sexy one, so pursue pleasure for pleasure’s sake!


Vulnerability is a practice, Cap. Tuesday’s New Moon in Taurus wants intentions that ground you in security while you engage in emotional exposure. Jupiter enters your Pisces-ruled language zone on Thursday, leveling-up your communication habits. A romantic Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer this weekend inspires chemistry with contrast.


What does “home” mean to you, Aquarius? Tuesday’s New Moon in Taurus wants your intentions on belonging, family, and safety. On Thursday, Jupiter enters your Pisces-ruled safety and income security zone, grounding you in financial success. A Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer this weekend wants you to prioritize habits and behavior that protect your emotional safety and health.


Speak up, Pisces! Tuesday’s New Moon in your Taurus-ruled language sector wants your intentions on speaking, listening, and perceiving accuracy. Then Jupiter enters your sign on Thursday and offers you weeks of success, hope, and major transformation! A Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer this weekend wants you to create, get messy, and be vulnerable for more joy.

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