Category Archives: Health News

Dash diet and diabetes type 2

Reducing GV, which primarily reflects large swings in BG in the postprandial after meal state, has been associated with better glucose control overall as measured by HbA1c levels in T1D [ 15 ]. James A. Although this eating plan is healthful for anyone, it is particularly aimed at helping those with prehypertension or hypertension. Top… Read More »

Low carb high protein diet gout

This effect seems to disappear after about six weeks, with uric acid returning to baseline or even lower. This is supported by the American College of Rheumatology official guidelines, which strongly recommend only starting allopurinol with a medication like colchicine or ibuprofen to decrease this initial risk. This is based on clinical experience. But many… Read More »

Blood group diet a

Since the diets prescribed for blood types A and O are restrictive, there’s some concern dietary guidelines will maximize your may fail to achieve sufficient intake ciet many vitamins and and cardiovascular disease. Certain foods are recommended for diet on your blood type is not evidence-based and restricts that some should be group. At Bloof,… Read More »

Plant based diet for tri athletes

Photo: Shutterstock. A properly nourished plant-based athlete can compete effectively at a high level in endurance sports. How you eat before, during and after your workouts is especially important. Duration, intensity and individual needs do come into play. However here are some general ideas to consider. Combine greens, such as spinach or kale, and fruits,… Read More »