Category Archives: Health News

Keto diet mess withsex

Changing your metabolism. A keto diet can improve your sex drive due to the quality amount of fat you consume. Moreover, you will go through a number of side effects in this early stage. It has been proven scientifically that you can boost testosterone level if you lose weight, which can be done by switching… Read More »

Is there diet butterbeer nutrition facts

Last week, we posted our favorite attempts at a butterbeer recipe. Late last week, we learned the the folks at WalletPop sent off a sample of the Harry Potter park recipe to a lab for testing and they reported their results! Now, these results report only on the nutritional content of the frosty beverage, not… Read More »

Is fat okay on a diet

Fat is a type of nutrient, and just like protein and carbohydrates, your body needs some fat for energy, to absorb vitamins, and to protect your heart and brain health. But now we know that not all fat is the same. In fact, healthy fats play a huge role in helping you manage your moods,… Read More »

How do you avoid sugar in your diet

By making smarter food choices, you can eat less sugar and lose weight without feeling deprived. Our sugar-laden diet is literally killing us. The study authors attributed , annual deaths worldwide—25, in the United States alone—to sugary beverages. Sodas and fruit drinks aren’t our only sources of sugar. The average American eats between 22 and… Read More »