May is characterized by many intriguing astrological transits, from Jupiter entering Pisces to the start of eclipse season to another Mercury Retrograde. Next up: This month’s New Moon will make its debut in earth sign Taurus on May 11, giving us all a reason to get unwind and relax. With the New Moon occurring at 21 degrees, we will have plenty of ideas and reasons to travel.
That being said, it’s important to remember to hold our horses! The desire to explore may be at a high, but with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and travel, entering Pisces on May 14, it’s important to wait for the right timing to make your move. Right now, focus your energy on the steps it will take to accomplish your goals and manifest your desires, as opposed to quickly diving towards what you want. You should lead a life of courage and bravery—just make sure you’re staying in tune with your surroundings.
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Read your New Moon horoscope:
With the New Moon illuminating your house of possessions and values, it’s important that you take time to assess what you have. Are you hoarding, or holding out for an uncertain outcome? There is value in being able to accumulate resources, but make sure that you’re keeping the right things. You don’t want too much of the wrong thing.
Happy Taurus season! The New Moon is shining brightly in your house of self, acting as a spring awakening. If you felt drowsy or mildly lazy at the beginning of May, the New Moon will bring you exactly the boost necessary to propel you forward. Of course, a new outfit or hairstyle couldn’t hurt either. Treat yourself!
For many of you, unpacking paternal influences will be the theme of this New Moon. Be open to constructively and carefully examining the impacts your caregivers had on you. This is not to suggest that you should carry shame or blame while going through your unpacking process. Recognizing the strengths and weakness of your upbringing will help you better understand yourself.
Don’t go throwing yourself into any crowd, but that being said…this New Moon will bring blessings to those who are willing to socialize. The Moon will be in your house of community, goals, and wishes, allowing for you to manifest exactly what you’ve needed. It may be difficult for you to find the words to articulate what it is you desire, and conversing with others is a great way to find those words.
There is a new energy shift occurring within your life. Be ready to adjust to the changes in the way you’re perceived. For many of you, this can result in a change of career or a promotion. Grant yourself the ability to celebrate—these changes are the result of your hard work. The New Moon in your house of legacy and career can help you manifest the life you want to live, if you take time to become clear on what it is you’re working towards.
Walking, Uber, a bus ride…there’s no excuse not to take a short trip to your local bookstore. The New Moon in Taurus is in your house of higher learning and short distance travel—what a way to kill two birds with one stone! Dedicating time to your learning and personal development will make all the difference in the world. Appreciate what you already know, and consider what you learn a blessing.
Asking for help is never easy, and as someone who intuitively recognizes the needs of others, you should be able to appreciate the vulnerability it takes to ask for help. If you find yourself needing extra assistance during the month of May, you will have no problems finding it. With the New Moon in your house of shared resources, those around you will be going out of their way to show you that they care.
It seems that love is in the air. Whether or not you’re single or taken, the need to love and be loved is occurring during the month of May. With the New Moon shining bright in your house of close relationships, you are looking particularly desirable and quite attractive. Take advantage of this planetary transit by paying attention to your aesthetic and reaching out to others. You never know what you’ll find.
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Jupiter—the planet of travel and expansion, as well as your planetary ruler—is spending a few more days in Aquarius (ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and blockages, BTW), which has clearly put boundaries on your ability to travel. But with the New Moon in your house of daily life and routine, you may feel the desire to go on a luxurious trip. Be smart about how you go about your travels, and try not to branch out prematurely.
Take a break, Capricorn. The New Moon in your house of pleasure and creativity is giving you plenty of reason to have fun. Because you’re ruled by Saturn, it can be difficult for you to allow yourself to cut loose. Let this New Moon provide you with the excuse to treat yourself, to indulge in luxury. Take yourself out to dinner or buy yourself something nice—the Moon is shining its blessing upon you.
Hey, hey, Aquarius, have you made time for your chosen family? With Saturn, the planet of work, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, both in your house of self, you have had to do plenty of introspection and personal development. For this reason, you may not have had the time to catch up with your family. This New Moon is best spent with your loved ones—even a video call will suffice.
Pisces, the time to let your voice be heard is now. You’ve spent the past few month accumulating knowledge and working to better understand your interests. Don’t be shy: With the New Moon in your house of self expression, you will experience luck when you decide to express yourself. Feel pride in what you know, and you’ll find that the arguments you make will be filled with strength and carried with grace.
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