Category Archives: Health News

Low carb diet and short-chain fatty acids

Provide your information in the fields below to get the latest Virta content delivered directly to your inbox. There are a few dietary recommendations that have been so ingrained in our minds that we accept them without question. The need for dietary fiber and the proposed benefits of a high fiber diet seem to be… Read More »

Why does protein diet work

If not, where have you been? But do these diet plans really work? But before diving into whether high protein diets actually work for weight loss, you need to understand the bigger picture. Protein is just one part of a multi-faceted nutritional system: you and your macronutrient requirements. What you eat can be broken down… Read More »

Dominic dagostino ketogenic diet type 1 diabetes

You are welcome to share the below transcript up to words but not more in media articles e. For the sake of clarity, media outlets with advertising models are permitted to use excerpts from the transcript per the above. For the sake of clarity, media outlets are permitted to use photos of Tim Ferriss from… Read More »

What kind of foodmap diet for ibs-c

People with functional gut symptoms have known for years that food choices can impact symptoms. Yet, common diet advice such as to eliminate red meat and spicy foods and add high-fiber foods and increase fluids often fails to deliver relief. Cathy F. As a result, she suffered from hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and a rectocele, for… Read More »