Category Archives: Health News

5 day cancer diet

At the end of the study, the flaxseed group had studies that either investigated the that diet tumor growth, as well as an increase in cancer cell death Observational studies consuming processed meat and an cancer Thank you for your. This vegetable family contains powerful phytochemicals, including carotenoids, indoles and decreased levels of specific markers… Read More »

What to Expect from Pharmacy Technician Training Programs

Many states require pharmacy technicians to attend training programs and get national certification. In a few states, the minimum requirement to become a pharmacy technician is a high school diploma or equivalent. Even if states do not require training and certification, having them can boost your confidence and stand out to potential employers. Here’s what… Read More »

What Do Democrats and Republicans Agree On? Allowing Negotiations to Lower Rx Prices

People living in the U.S. have weathered over fifteen months of life-shifts for work, school, prayer, fitness, and social lives. So you might think that the most important public priority for Congress might have something to do with COVID-19, vaccines, or health insurance coverage. But across all priorities, it turns out that prescription drug costs… Read More »

Need a high protein diet

There are 22 amino acids in total of which eight or ten for children are termed essential because we cannot make them in our bodies and so have to get them from the food we eat. Proteins are divided into two groups: animal and plant. Animal proteins, such as meat, cheese and eggs are sometimes… Read More »