Category Archives: Health News

Transparency watchdog criticizes STAT’s non-disclosure on pro-Pharma op-ed

Should publications that post op-ed pieces tell us more about who wrote the op-ed and what their potential biases and conflicts of interest might be? I’m in the camp that answers a resounding YES. Till Bruckner is, too. He writes for Transparify, an organization that rates “the financial transparency of major think tanks.” He is… Read More »

Are fries bad when youre on a diet

And 6 French fries? You can do this! So glad you enjoy them and used them in your blog. WW will help you build a customized weight loss plan. These foods are high in calories but not very filling. The worst foods for weight loss are highly processed junk foods. They may also contain artificial… Read More »

“BMW Esports Boost 2021”: a new event for the esports sector live from BMW Welt

“BMW Esports Boost” brings together an international who’s who of the esports world. The premiere of this globally unique format live from BMW Welt is on June 28, 2021. BMW is in partnership with Seven.One Sports. Gain fresh inspiration and exclusive insights from top industry experts such as Jens Hilgers, Ralf Reichert, Christopher Hana, Brandon… Read More »

5 Best Foods To Try For A Healthier Life

As something as crucial to one’s health, healthy eating is something that everyone, but only a few do consistently. Note that eating healthy isn’t about following any strict diet plan. It’s about the foods and drinks a person chooses to consume every day. Simply saying, eating right is enough to help you achieve a healthier… Read More »