Category: Health News

Congestive heart failure plant based diet

Nutrition in heart failure: more than drugs and devices. Caldwell Esselstyn and read everything I could about how a whole food, plant-based diet could prevent and possibly reverse heart disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Circ...

Why i quit keto diet

By Drew Harrisberg, January 23, Exercise physiologist and diabetes educator Drew Harrisberg has been amazed at the improvements to his health within a month of going from keto to plant-based. My story is about how...

Big bird plant based diet

The adjective “herbivorous” her-BIH-vore-us; rhymes with “deliver us” and “purr shiver us” describes a diet composed primarily of plant material which may include seeds, grasses, grain, buds, nuts, fruit, nectar, leaves, tubers, sap, pollen, and...