Covid vaccine booster jabs for ‘most vulnerable’ – who is eligible for third dose?

By | June 30, 2021

Stage two includes the over-50s, all those aged 16-49 in a flu or Covid ‘at-risk group’ and the adult household contacts of the immunosuppressed, it added.

These groups “should be offered a third dose COVID-19 booster vaccine as soon as practicable after stage one, with equal emphasis on deployment of the influenza vaccine where eligible”, it said.

The JCVI added: “As most younger adults will only receive their second COVID-19 vaccine dose in late summer, the benefits of booster vaccination in this group will be considered at a later time when more information is available.

“The initial objective for winter 2021/22 is for persons in booster stages one and two to receive their influenza and COVID-19 vaccines in good time.”

Daily Express :: Health Feed