How to cancel keto diet app subscription

By | October 21, 2021

how to cancel keto diet app subscription

You can view your subscription details, change your payment method, or cancel your subscription at any time. We want all of our Carb Manager Premium members to be happy customers. If you aren’t satisfied, please contact us as soon as possible so we can answer your questions and help you accomplish your goals with Carb Manager. We will help you get the most out of your membership. Have you tried these Premium features? When you cancel a Premium subscription, Premium features remain available to you until the end of the billing period for which you already paid. At the end of the billing period, you will lose access to Premium features, but you will keep your daily logs, custom meal plans, foods, recipes, and favorites you created throughout your Premium membership. This helps us show you more relevant content and ads based on your browsing and navigation history. View, change, or cancel a Premium subscription. Powered by. Note: All subscriptions renew automatically, by default, until you cancel your subscription.

Share Follow us Haven’t found what you’re looking for? We’ll be happy to answer! Apart from the apps, I have authored several low-carb cookbooks my third cookbook will be released in spring KetoDiet app is a complex app and took several years to develop. Since the launch in , we have continuously been working on more features and improvements. It’s a full-time job for us. We appreciate your support and we would love to be able to do this! Unfortunately, we have no control over the pricing when it comes to charges between platforms. Since we only receive a part of the proceeds, we can’t give the app for free even if you already have the Android or iOS app.

Now let us get into the crux of this guide. There are a few things you must know about cancelling subscriptions. They include the following. Stop Ridiculous Charges. Prevent apps from taking your money without permission. Get a free Virtual Credit Card to signup for Subscriptions. Follow the steps below.