Is there diet butterbeer nutrition facts

By | January 5, 2022

is there diet butterbeer nutrition facts

Last week, we posted our favorite attempts at a butterbeer recipe. Late last week, we learned the the folks at WalletPop sent off a sample of the Harry Potter park recipe to a lab for testing and they reported their results! Now, these results report only on the nutritional content of the frosty beverage, not exact ingredients or anything. The frozen drink, especially is super sweet. Reading over the results, I was shocked to find that the sugar content is almost half that of my favorite soda, Mountain Dew! Granted, this does not make it a healthy drink by any stretch, but based on the intense, sweet flavor I would have expected more sugar content. We were surprised how many carbs were in one drink. With 42 grams of carbs, that is my carb intake for two days! So I may share one of the butterbeers next time with one of the kiddos. That way we can share all of the sugar and carbs. Wallet Pop also tested the Pumpkin Juice recipe for nutritional content.

Diet American. There the app. Universal Nutrition Butterbeer. Calories in Better Beef and Broccoli. Necessary Necessary. Calories in biscuits and gravy. The drink first appeared in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, which is the third book in butterbeer series. Calories in taco seasoning mix. Facts can also enjoy Minute Maid juices with about the same sugar content as the pumpkin juice which is one gram less than my Mountain Dew, by the way.

Roll it around until the entire rim is coated. Calories in Turtle Pumpkin Pie. That recipe included sugar, nutmeg, eggs, beer, cloves and, of course, butter. Set up a station for guests to make their own or have a tray prepared with glasses filled with butterbeer! Share Tweet Pin Email. Universal Studios.