Good food to start a diet

A group of year-old girl scouts was asked, “What makes up a healthy diet and lifestyle? Marion Nestle, a New York University nutritionist, agrees with the girls. Her recommendations: “Eat less, move more; consume plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole grains; and avoid too much junk food. Not too much. Mostly plants. We outline two… Read More »

Ohio Dad Runs His First Marathon Around a Hospital to Honor His Son With Cancer

Courtesy of Akron Children’s Hospital Crossing the finish line of your first marathon is a major moment for any runner. But for 33-year-old Kolt Codner, the significance of completing 26.2 miles went beyond himself. Codner ran a marathon to honor Andrew, his four-year-old son who was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. In the process,… Read More »

Paleo diet cheat sheet

When I first joined Weight Watchers and began started to check out and understand their SmartPoints system, I quickly realized how many points grains and beans were. This got me thinking. So, I started researching. What I found most interesting is that while there are certain things you should not eat at all — grains… Read More »