Tag Archives: coffee

How Drinking Coffee Can Boost Your Mood as Days Get Shorter

As the days grow shorter and the sun sets earlier, many people experience a noticeable dip in their mood. The lack of sunlight and the arrival of colder weather can trigger feelings of sadness, lethargy, and even seasonal affective disorder (SAD). However, there’s a simple and enjoyable way to help combat these seasonal blues: drinking… Read More »

How Does Coffee Affect Your Metabolism?

Coffee is enjoyed by 7 in 10 Americans each week, while 62% enjoy coffee daily.1 On the record, the most common reasons why people drink coffee are for the taste and the caffeine boost it provides — to increase energy and “wake me up.”2,3 But there’s another, often unspoken, effect of coffee drinking that many… Read More »

Drinking coffee helps to improve mood as days get shorter

A pan-European consumer survey reveals increased sadness levels, heightened anxiety and reduced motivation to exercise when hours of daylight decrease [1] One in five adults in the survey say they drink coffee to improve their mood, with research suggesting that 75mg of caffeine every four hours can result in a pattern of sustained improvement of… Read More »