10 Proven Health Benefits of Potatoes

By | September 28, 2020

1. Do potatoes make you fat?

Potatoes are one of the foods that are generally shunned by people trying to manage their weight, but research has determined that there is no evidence to suggest an association between eating potatoes and risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes.

Research has also demonstrated that people can incorporate potatoes into their diet and still lose weight. Researchers studied 86 overweight women and men over twelve weeks to determine how a reduced calorie diet with the addition of potatoes affected weight loss. The individuals were randomly allocated to 3 groups and one group had a diet that included 5 to 7 helpings of potatoes each week. The outcomes showed that the potato group did not gain weight, and all 3 groups actually lost weight.[1]

The soluble fiber in potatoes can also help with weight loss by providing a longer feeling of fullness.

The potato is not the problem with regards to weight gain, the problem is the way the potato is cooked.

How many calories in a potato?

The amount of calories in potatoes depends very much on the cooking method as demonstrated below:

  • How many calories in boiled potatoes: 87 calories/100g

  • How many calories in a baked potato: 93 calories/100g

  • How many calories in roast potatoes: 149 calories/100g

  • How many calories in hash browns: 326 calories/100g

  • How many calories in french fries: 312 calories/100g

  • How many calories in potato chips: 545 calories/100g

Potato nutrition facts:

Potatoes are an excellent source of several nutrients, such as vitamins C and B6, potassium, pantothenic acid, niacin and dietary fiber. The protein in potatoes contain lysine, an essential amino acid generally absent in grains.

What is the nutritional value of potatoes per 100g:

  • How many calories in a potato – 77

  • How much protein in a potato – 2g

  • How many carbs in a potato – 17g

  • What is the fat content of a potato – 0.1g

Do Potatoes Make You Fat

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