Category Archives: Health News

Why i quit keto diet

By Drew Harrisberg, January 23, Exercise physiologist and diabetes educator Drew Harrisberg has been amazed at the improvements to his health within a month of going from keto to plant-based. My story is about how a drastic change in my nutritional approach—going from keto to plant-based—allowed me to regain control of my insulin and blood… Read More »

How to meal prep for a bariatric diet

The 6 Daily Meal Plan can help you lose weight at a moderate rate. It is designed for anyone who is looking to lose weight, especially patients who are eating solid foods after gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, lap-band, or another type of weight loss surgery. Each day on the plan has three small high-protein meals… Read More »

Big bird plant based diet

The adjective “herbivorous” her-BIH-vore-us; rhymes with “deliver us” and “purr shiver us” describes a diet composed primarily of plant material which may include seeds, grasses, grain, buds, nuts, fruit, nectar, leaves, tubers, sap, pollen, and algae. While many birds include a variety of plant materials in their diets, to be considered herbivorous their diet must… Read More »