How can a hurricane affect someone diet

Bacteria begin to grow when temperatures rise above 40 degrees. Up next: Weekend forecast calls for scattered storms. Never ration water, even if your supplies run low. Shah advises families with children to stock boxed or canned milk or skim milk powder, and reminds new mothers to store ready-to-use baby formula for infants. Here’s a… Read More »

Tenet cites dramatic rebound of patient volume post COVID-19 slump

Dive Brief: Dallas-based Tenet told investors Tuesday patient volumes at its hospitals have dramatically ramped back up following steep declines throughout March and April. Hospital surgeries, which were down 55% in April compared to pre-COVID-19 levels, returned to about 95% pre-COVID levels during the first half of June. Recovery efforts include securing personal protective equipment… Read More »

Protein for lacto-ovov diet

There are several modalities of vegetarianism, from strict vegetarians to lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Usually, lacto-ovo-vegetarians will eat dairy foods and eggs, but not meat, fish, or poultry. Certainly, a diet rich in plant foods has the potential to offer health benefits and positive outcomes in prevention and treatment of conditions such as high blood pressure, type 2… Read More »