“Under the weather” staples

By | July 13, 2021

This blog post is in partnership with Genexa. This is a brand we’ve used and loved for years and I’m excited to partner with them for this post.

I’m still in denial that back-to-school and fall is just around the corner. There’s a lot to look forward to, especially since the kids will get to see their friends and teachers again. While I’m getting backpacks and gear ready, I also use this time to restock our fall and winter medicine cabinet since I know that there will be the inevitable little cold. I go through everything, toss out the old stuff, and make two bins: one for everyday and the other bin is full of stuff for specific ailments.

I thought I’d share some of my strategies in today’s post, but please keep in mind that I’m not a doctor or medical professional. These are just some of the things that work for our family and the strategies I like to use as they continue to heal and feel better. As always, talk with your doctor or pediatrician before adding in any medication or supplements for yourself or your family.

1) Rest and hydration

These are the two biggest ones. I try to make sure that they have lots of rest throughout the day, get quality sleep at night, and always have some water nearby. I’ll put the water in a clear cup (instead of a water bottle) just so I can keep an eye on how much they’re actually drinking. The girls also love warm bone broth with lemon when they’re a little under the weather (and when they’re not under the weather).

2) Wellness shot! I’ve posted about this before but our whole family is very familiar with the wellness shot. Whenever anyone has a hint of anything going on, it’s wellness shot time. I use the juice of half a lemon, a sprinkle of cayenne, and a whole glove of minced garlic. Let the garlic sit minced just for a second before stirring it in, and take it like a short. Liv hates the wellness shots but will have a little bit, while P is licking the bottom of the glass lol. It tastes like tangy pizza.

3) Supplements. The girls take vitamins on a regular basis, and when they’re under the weather, I’ll up their Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D, and add in some elderberry. We also take elderberry once a week from September – May and more often if I feel like we need to.

4) Solid nutrition and reducing added sugar. Sugar can negatively affect the immune system, so I try to watch it on the sugar when anyone is feeling meh, and focus on soups, all-fruit popsicles, crackers, things that are gentle on the stomach and easy to digest. Sometimes when you’re recovering from something, you’re not as hungry, so I try to just make food and broth available and let them decide how much to eat.

5) Extra remedies and our fave Genexa products.

Something that we’ve been using for years is the Genexa Kids Cold Crush. I bought it when Liv was little because it had excellent reviews and many cold medicines aren’t safe for kids under the age of 6. The Cold Crush tablets have always worked well for us (P and Liv both take these if they have a cold) and I love that they don’t contain any artificial preservatives, colors, or sweeteners.

(They have new packaging for the Cold Crush; ours is the previous version)

Another Genexa fave is the Kids’ Pain and Fever medicine. It’s regular acetaminophen (which is the active ingredient needed to help with pain and fever reduction) minus the extra ingredients that can commonly be found in kids’ medicine. I use these products while the kids are on the mend and continue to feel better.

A little bit about Genexa:

– It’s the first clean medicine brand out there! They make medicine with the same active ingredients people need, but without the artificial ones they don’t. Their products are also free of artificial dyes, common allergens and unnecessary synthetic inactive ingredients, so no toxic or potentially harmful chemicals are involved!

This is a brand that I genuinely trust and I was so happy when they reached out, since our medicine cabinet already held quite a few Genexa products.

If you’re looking to update your medicine cabinet, check out their website and some of their offerings here.

Anything you think helps your kiddos when you’re feeling under the weather?? Any fave remedies?

Please let me know in the comments below!



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