Our 2021 Wellness Predictions: Digital Mental Health and Upcycling Food

By | May 29, 2021

As the world changes more and more due to the global pandemic we’ve gone through in the past year, the way we view wellness does too. With our focus guiding us towards health, self-care, and our mental wellbeing, there is a slew of new trends that have grabbed our attention and will continue to in the year 2021. How we eat, exercise and plenty of other things are bringing wellness to the forefront. It’s even grabbing the attention of those who might’ve been uninterested in doing so in the past. We’ve done some research to find out what the year 2021 will bring in terms of trends. Keep reading for more on our wellness predictions.

Our 2021 Wellness Predictions

1) Sleep is the most important

Sleep has so much to do with our health. Our sleep quality is measured by a few things. First off, you should be able to fall asleep no more than 30 minutes after getting into bed. You should also be able to sleep through the night and not wake up more than once. Third, you should sleep for the recommended amount of hours for your age group. Sleep is the way our body reboots and prepares itself for taking on the world.

wellness predictions
Image: Kinga Cichewicz via Unsplash

2) More to spirituality than means the eye

Manifesting, tarot, crystals, and more! Spirituality is on the up and up as more Millennials and Gen-Zers use the universe to guide their decision making. Trusting that you can make your way in this new world with the help of trusting the universe. It’s less connection with the material or physical and more on a focus on the human spirit. It’s all about uplifting your fellow humans on this journey.

wellness predictions
Image: Sarah Brown via Unsplash

3) Meditation and therapy are king in the digital space

This past year, our focus has been solely on the past and what could’ve been of the future. As many more start to use meditation to feel better, live in the present, and have a clearer headspace, its benefits have been shown to be very useful for our mental health and more. Taking the morning to clear your head and rid yourself of negative thoughts is part of our routine in 2021. With meditation and therapy taking over the digital space in 2020 due to the pandemic, many discovered that through services online and applications on their phones, they were able to continue healing and taking the time to focus on their mental health.

wellness predictions
Image: Elia Pellegrini via Unsplash

4) Upcycling food

Food waste is a huge issue and continues to be in 2021. We tend to forget that almost all parts of plants like vegetables and fruits are available for use. For example, you can use apple peels to make a hot toddy or bones from a chicken to make a bone broth. If you have anything leftover, you can also use most items to create compost with a composting bin.

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There are also applications and companies out there like Too Good to Go, which allow users to purchase food that is sure to be thrown away from restaurants or grocery stores for a cheaper price. Check out their website or app to find out what food is available to buy in your area. We’ve gotten a few meals from delicious restaurants for less than $ 5!

upcycling food
Image: Heather Ford via Unsplash

5) Sexual self-care

The importance of meeting your needs in the bedroom helps your stress levels and even makes you healthier! When you orgasm, your body releases endorphins, which are hormones that block pain and make you feel oh-so-good. We love to add the They Call Her Alfie Love Gel for helping us achieve orgasm. It’s amazing! The always sold-out They Call Her Alfie’s Love Gel is a lightweight gel that is applied prior to sexual activity to the clitoris to help you feel more aroused. It boosts blood flow as well as hydrates, soothes, and rejuvenates the vagina when used on a regular basis. It’s incredible before sex or before you masturbate to make you ready for penetration, play, and whatever your heart desires. Shop here.

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Image: Courtesy of They Call Her Alfie
