House panel to hold hearing on VA delay of first EHR go-live

The chair of the House subcommittee charged with legislative oversight of the VA’s Cerner electronic health record implementation is concerned about the agency’s decision to delay the EHR’s initial go-live. “I’m concerned that as we’ve moved closer to the go-live date, we have been told repeatedly that there were no showstoppers in the implementation, that… Read More »

Concerns rise that the system for diagnosing epidemics is failing

Bloomberg—How big is the coronavirus outbreak? A lot bigger than we were initially told, it turns out. On Thursday, confirmed cases of Covid-19 in China’s Hubei Province—the epidemic’s epicenter—jumped by almost 15,000. It’s not that there was a sudden wave of new infections. Rather, the increase reflects a change in how China counts patients; it… Read More »

Hamptons restaurateurs feel burned after Chainsmokers concert fiasco

It’s been two weeks since a botched charity concert featuring The Chainsmokers drew the wrath of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and struggling Southampton restaurateurs say they’re still paying the price. Eatery owners in the posh beach town say they’ve been fielding visits from an array of state and local officials as often as twice a day… Read More »