Tag Archives: death

Beyond Medicine: ‘Being Mortal’ Challenges Healthcare’s Approach to Death and Dying

This video from the “Frontline” series, titled “Being Mortal,” follows Dr. Atul Gawande as he explores the complex relationships between doctors, patients, and end-of-life decisions. Based on his best-selling book “Being Mortal,” Gawande discusses how medical training often falls short in preparing doctors for the realities of death and dying. The documentary highlights personal stories,… Read More »

‘It took a full year after my dad’s death from Alzheimer’s before I could recall happy memories – the trauma of his final years was overwhelming’

“Every old man I see reminds me of my father when he had fallen in love with death”  atrick Kavanagh’s words are to the forefront of my mind as I’m walking through St Anne’s Park in Raheny, Dublin, one May morning. Although my dad has been dead for over a decade I’m hit by an unexpected… Read More »

Hancock calls for urgent review into coronavirus death data in England

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has called for an urgent review into how coronavirus deaths have been recorded in England. It follows confirmation from Public Health England that reported deaths may have included people who tested positive months before they died. The other UK nations only include those who die within 28 days of a positive… Read More »